WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

Product verification


NIKBAR has has upgraded the verification code system from the previous 16-digit security code to the new 9-digit security code
from year 2022. The 2 versions of security code may still be in the market at the same time. Find your security code and follow
below to verify.

Find the authentic verification code

New version (9-digit) on the product packaging box of 2500 & 4000 puffs

Old version (16-digit)
On the product packaging box of 300 /600 / 1000 / 1500 puffs

How to verify

1. Please enter the 14-digit or 12-digit authentic verification code below:

* Only from products 2500 and 4000 Puffs.
* Please do not enter more than 3 times, or the code will be invalid.

2. Scan the authentic QR code with your smartphone to get the results:

New version

Old version (16-digit)

* It will take you to a third-party website https://l.ebj.ltd/activity/index/W
You can feel confident that it is our authorized partner

3. Visually check with laser anti-counterfeit label identification instructions

– Turn the label at any angle under the light.
– With different viewing angles, the Nikbar logo produces corresponding 360-degree relative and mutual switching.

New version

Old version (16-digit)

Report: Please report potentially counterfeit products to [email protected]

To use the Nikbar website you must be aged 21 years or over.
Please verify your age before entering the site.

WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

Anti counterfeiting query system